Monday, November 16, 2009

-is listening to Hey Jude-

Ok, so i clicked "New Post" with the intention of possibly posting something. What that something is, well... To be honest it didn't matter to me. Just something was better than anything, I guess... Please don't mind me. :P

Hmmn.. yeah so I don't think I'll really end up posting much of anything, cause you see at the moment I'm listening to Hey Jude, so I'm rather distracted... Well not really. Just too distracted by the amazing music to post much of anything that makes logical sense to the average person? .. umm .. never mind i guess.. haha

Ohoo.. just got to my fav part of Hey Jude.. (:

Does anyone else completely love the song All My Loving? And not just the Beatles versoin (although nothing tops that!) but the version from the movie Across the Universe? Cus I love that song, so much. It is brilliant :)

ALRIGHT! ENOUGH! Enough I say! Actual post shall begin in.. 5..4..3..2..

Hey anyone who actually is reading this!
Staysi (booklover37) over at Lost in Ink** is having a beyond amazing contest!
You definatly need to check it out.
Tis a mystery indeed!
For you see, she has not told us what the book is she is gonna give away!
*dramatic cord*
I know! Aha! a mystery!
So yeah. You need to enter this contest! Go! Now! Enter!

**Lost In Ink is also a pretty incredible blog. you should read it! :D