Monday, January 18, 2010

...A Book By It's Cover....

((Hey!! I'm not dead yet!))

Haha. Ok. So I would love to go off into a long and tiresome rant about why I haven't been on here since... Thanksgiving? Eep.. A long, long time ago indeed...
But I won't. (Much to your releaf!)
Mainly because I have homework. And I won't procrastinate THAT much.
Not this time anyway.

Here it is. My first blog post of 2010.

Everyone (and I seriously mean everyone) always tells you never to judge a book by it's cover. Well bully for them. But in all honesty, why should only the author** get all the credit for that book. It isn't all about them thanks very much. So if it really isnt all about the authors** then why is it that they always tell us basically not to bother with the cover. Does this make sense? Ok. Probably doesn't. (I'm not talking about the author cover thing, i'm talking about my writing... but whatever. )

Personally, I think that covers are pretty spiffy. Well, most are. I hate it when there is a book with a cover that is such an epic fail. But then, that is where that saying "Don't Judge a Book" comes in I suppose.

That rant was a little pointless. :/

Ok. So to make it all better....!!!

A list of books with awesome covers:

-Going Bovine
-Pride and Predjudice and Zombies
-Sense and Sensability and Sea Monsters
-Love is the Higher Law
-Alice I Have Been
-The Looking Glass Wars

[to be continued]

***Ok, totally sorry if I got that title wrong..
**Garenteed [is there a U somewhere in that word? dunno..] the publishers and editors get some credit as well..


djaq said...

Thank you! :D